Develop and launch breakthrough initiatives

We work to pinpoint the precise gaps that arise at the crossroads of climate, finance, and people. Collaborating with partners, we explore alternative solutions to address these gaps, nurturing promising initiatives through incubation and ultimately launching organizations that can drive climate action at scale.

Allied Climate Partners

Decarbonizing the planet and building sustainable and vibrant economies will require a widespread, comprehensive effort to boost climate-related projects around the world – yet a lack of financial and operational support often stymies innovative efforts in EMDEs, contributing to a scarcity of bankable climate-related projects and businesses.

Allied Climate Partners (ACP) is a philanthropic investment organization that works to increase the pipeline of bankable projects and businesses. ACP will identify and support local investment managers, aggregate early-stage equity, and partner with governments, public and private organizations, developers and local communities. Through this systematic, comprehensive approach, we will help early-stage innovators source and deploy catalytic capital for mitigation and adaptation solutions.

Global Carbon Market Utility

To impact the climate crisis, the voluntary carbon market (VCM) must grow quickly and significantly. The Global Carbon Market Utility (GCMU) will create infrastructure to increase the VCM’s credibility and efficiency, providing basic market utility functions including audits, verification and dispute resolution.

The GCMU will be led by a Governing Council made up of representatives from civil society, academia and leading subject matter experts who will manage the GCMU’s activities toward increasing, measurable climate impact. It will incorporate stakeholder feedback and new data into its annual rule-making process.

The GCMU and its Governing Council will provide three drivers of impact:

  • Transparency through an annual report of climate impact based on verified and audited project performance data

  • Infrastructure that connects to existing financial, legal, and regulatory systems for robust oversight

  • Operational progress including smoother transactions for buyers; increased inclusion of EMDEs, demand certainty, and incentive to innovate for suppliers; and risk management by financial intermediaries to ensure climate impact

This project builds the strong connective tissue that helps the voluntary carbon market operate reliably, efficiently and at scale.

Allied Talent Partners

This initiative is developing a marketplace to connect high-quality local and global talent with climate-related projects in EMDEs. Initially centered around Africa, the marketplace will focus on a wide variety of climate-related efforts – connecting project-based work and infrastructure, platform businesses (e.g., rooftop solar, e-mobility, energy efficiency), power and water utilities, governmental and regulatory bodies, non-governmental organizations, donor agencies and consulting firms.

While ATP’s early focus will be on building this marketplace, we also intend to enhance the climate talent development ecosystem across EMDEs and expand into targeted initiatives related to training, local capacity-building and volunteer efforts.